Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Voting for Kanye in 2020!

Its election season again (its been for the last 2 years) and everyone has a right to their own political opinion. What I love about being an staunch advocate for Kanye West 2020 is the reciprocated respect I demand for entering the opinion arena. I have to hear all day about people throwing their chips on two out-of-touch old white guys pushing 80 years old, but Kanye is a man of his contemporaries; the type of celebrity billionaire that common people can relate to. At his first campaign rally last weekend, he just promised 1 million dollars to every woman who gives birth. Some of you will say "thats ridiculous!", but a few months ago another political outsider Andrew Yang promised $1,000 monthly Universal basic Income for everyone. If receiving $12,000 annually for existing was a competent idea in 2019, why cant we just receive a lump sum at birth and all be born millionaires? National debt has never been a campaign issue for Presidents before so we shouldn't start now, besides who doesnt like money?

I know previously I advocated for non participation in 2020, but I have been convinced this is the 6th most important election of our lifetimes. So this year I want to say YES:

Yes I will vote for Kanye West,
yes I will flip-flop on my principles,
yes I will cherry pick past every stupid thing he says,
yes I will focus on the positions I like most that effect me exclusively,
yes I will believe every absurd campaign promise he makes ,
yes I will adopt new fervent positions I never cared about,
yes i will self-administer anesthesia and ignore his questionable mental health,
yes my irrational belief in Kanye is no different than you for your candidate,
yes you told me to "get out and vote" so here it is

The most credible thing I can declare in the years of my experience with politics; if you don't vote its a vote AGAINST Kanye2020, if you do vote for Trump its a vote AGAINST Kanye2020, and if you do vote for Biden its a vote AGAINST Kanye2020. The choice is clear, West is Best, be easy with Yeezy, vote for Kanye and rip Harambe. Join the Birthday Party, register to vote, let your voice be heard and make a difference!

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