I recently came across this article about
14 signs you were born and raised in West Palm Beach, FL. So i thought ide add a few of my own
addendums to this list:
#15) Someone you know, or you personally, have been robbed in the parking lot on the way back from dinner at Cityplace.
#16) You witness, or have been involved in a large, drunken, bloody, brawl on Clematis street.
#17) You tell your friends who visit from out of state, to go to South Beach.
#18) Your girlfriend got groped and maced at Moonfest in 2010.
#19) You have heard every vagrants life story before he asked for .89 cents
#20) You know the difference between fireworks going off and gunshots.
#21) You have been harassed, coerced, extorted, abused, or shot by the local police.
#22) You don't see movies on Friday and Saturday nights because of how loud and sometimes violent the movie theater gets.
#23) You can see luxury cars worth over 100k and a car worth less than an iphone, at the same time.
#24) Palm Beach Metered beachfront parking is an absurd $5 per hour.
#25) You routinely see 19 year old girls with their 60 year old sugar daddies.
Its filthy, its corrupt, its culturally vapid, its dangerous, its
superficial; but its our lovely home. Welcome to West palm!